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Board of Education

Strategic Planning and Direction

Strategic Direction 2024 - 2028

Boards of Education are responsible for establishing a Strategic Direction (or Strategic Plan) to identify values and priorities based on the specific needs, strengths, and challenges of the School Districts they govern and, most importantly, to improve outcomes for all students. Although by nature colonial, a Strategic Direction is the mechanism through which the Board is held accountable to its learning community, rightsholders, and the Ministry of Education and Child Care. 

Through feedback gathered from students, parents, teaching staff, school and district administrators, and individual trustees, the Board of Education for School District No. 64 (Gulf Islands) has identified four priorities for strategic focus:

  • Truths, Reparation, and Restoration
  • Integrity and Responsibility
  • Relationships and Belonging
  • An Ethic of Learning

Request for Feedback

The Board of Education welcomes your feedback as we continue to develop the Gulf Islands School District's strategic direction. Please read through each of the four priorities for strategic focus below and let us know what you think through the online FORM by June 23, 2024.

Framework for Enhancing Student Learning

The School District 64 (Gulf Islands) Framework for Enhancing Student Learning demonstrates our collective commitment, knowledge and capacity to plan, review, and adjust to support the educational outcomes for each and every student. 

Upon examination of provincial, district, and school educational outcomes, and working collaboratively with the Ministry of Education, staff, and partner groups, the various documents compiled below provide evidence of this district’s consistent orientation toward improved student success through intentional and focused strategic planning, review, and response.

SD64 Enhancing Student Learning Report – September, 2023: Mandated by the Ministry of Education, communicates the Board of Education’s commitment to student success, the goals of the Strategic Plan and the district’s ongoing efforts to support SD64 learners as they journey through the British Columbia public school system – K to 12 and beyond.

SD64 Framework for Operational Planning: Provides a deeper insight into the educational services plan for supporting student outcomes for all Gulf Islands’ learners

SD64 Communications Strategy: Designed to enhance engagement, support public relations, and celebrate the unique identity of Gulf Islands School District. This plan represents a proactive and focused approach to district communications that aligns with district priorities. (Year One Review)

Education Community Engagement Summary

SD64 Strategic Plan: Inspire, Integrate Involve

2023 2024 School Plans

Education Community Engagement Summary

SD64 Indigenous Education Enhancement Agreement

SD64 Financial Planning

Other Framework Supports

SD64 District Operational Plan: Under development

More information from the Ministry of Education, as well as resources to support districts with their implementation of the Framework for Enhancing Student Learning, can be found here.

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