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Facility Booking

The Gulf Islands School District encourages the active use of classrooms, gyms, music rooms, and other facilities.

After-Hours Facility Bookings:

Please see the Event Organizer Handbook below for detailed information on making a facility booking request.

Booking Due Dates:

  1. Internal SD64 bookings on instructional days and not requiring additional services* must apply at least five instructional days in advance.
  2. All external and/or bookings requiring additional services must apply at least ten instructional days in advance.

*note: Additional services include custodial cleaning, furniture delivery, and other special requests. Costs for additional services are a separate charge and are to be billed even for internal events.

External applications will require:

  1. Proof of Insurance
  2. Signed Liability Waiver
  3. SD64 staff member on-site at all times for indoor requests

Apply Now:

Bookings Online Form

Resources Links:

  1. Attendance Tracker
  2. Near Miss Form

School District 64 Policy Links:

  1. Schedule of Fees, Facility Use
  2. Public Use of School District Procedure
  3. District Volunteer Approval Form
  4. User Emergency Procedures

Event Organizer Handbook

This handbook was created to walk applicants through the facility booking process and answer some of their questions. Please note that this document does not house all policies and procedures related to facility bookings at SD64. We recommend organizers review all associated documents for a complete understanding of the process.

Facility Bookings – Hours of Operation:

Bookings during instructional hours should be made internally through our booking system by an SD64 staff member and are reserved solely for school use.

Regular School Hours:

Elementary schools 8:00 am to 3:30 pm.

Secondary school 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.


All organizers must be off-site no later than 9:30 pm.

Professional days and school break bookings are not guaranteed and require additional approval.

Facility Booking Types:

Bookings are categorized based on user group and activity as follows:

Free:(School/BoardUse) – School based sports, clubs, and activities, and PAC activities (directly associated with school)

Category A:(Youth Not-For-Profit) – Non-profit groups that provide activities to youth

Category B:(Adult Not-For-Profit) – Non-profit groups that provide activities for adults

Category C: (Youth For-profit) – Organizations that provide youth activities for profit

Category D:(Government Organizations) – Public Health Authority, Elections Canada/BC

Category E:(Commercial and Private Use) – Groups that are for profit or commercial


Not-For-Profit Group – The activity of the organizer’s booking is not designed in a commercial fashion to earn revenue. The organizer may charge a small fee or have vendors to cover event costs only (not including paid staff time).

Groups/applicants are considered as follows:


Applications are made by an SD64 staff member and the activity benefits SD64 staff or youth. The staff member is always on site and ensures all guidelines are being followed. Activities hosted internally must fall within the SD64 insurance policy.


Applications are made by non-SD64 staff and require additional steps. See requirement section

Booking Locations:

  1. Fernwood Elementary
  2. Fulford Elementary
  3. Gulf Islands Secondary School
  4. Phoenix Elementary
  5. Salt Spring Elementary

note: Bookings for outer island locations can be made directly with the school.

Booking Lead Times:

For Internal bookings on instructional days and not requiring additional services, applicants should apply at least 5 instructional days in advance.

For external and/or internal bookings requiring additional services, applicants should apply at least 10 instructional days in advance.

Advance Bookings:

Advance booking requests will be evaluated and confirmed a month prior to rental date(s). Priority will be given to bookings based on the SD64 priorities chart.

note: Specific location/time is not guaranteed for subsequent bookings.

Facility Booking Fees:

Location rental rate – SD64 Procedure 6850-1

Attendant services – Billed at a rate of $30.73/HR and requires a 2-hour minimum call out per visit. Services could include the following:

  1. Accompanying attendant needed for duration of all external event bookings unless approved district user or regularly scheduled custodian is on-site.
  2. Furniture setup of rented equipment. A site map showing the layout is required.Custodial services with required 2-hour minimum service charge. This service is needed for indoor bookings on non-instructional days or when a regular custodian will not be cleaning the event area.
  3. Custodial services are needed anytime the facility washroom is open to the public or a large number of users.
  4. Locking or unlocking of facility buildings when required.
  5. Floor cover installation/removal for high volume/traffic events at Gulf Island Secondary School billed at $250.00.
  6. Gym divider usage charge for all Gulf Island Secondary School gym bookings billed at $15.00 per day.

Equipment Rentals – The following equipment is available for rent while supplies last.

  1. Chairs at a rate of $.50 per chair.
  2. Tables at a rate of 5.00 per table.
  3. Projector at a rate of $25.00 per unit.
  4. Projector screen at a rate of $10.00 per unit.

If tables and chairs are already in the room, no charge will be incurred.

District approved volunteer form:

Procedure Form 6850-5 allows district volunteers to obtain the keys to facilities and fulfil the need to have SD64 staff supervision present. For this consideration, the organizer/volunteer must have:

  1. A positive relationship with SD64 for at least 1 year without any serious breaches of permit conditions or trust.
  2. An ongoing booking spanning at least one month.
  3. No past due invoices.
  4. A signature of support from principal.
  5. A current criminal record check on file.

note: The criminal record check application process may take a month or more to complete.

Food & Alcohol at events:

Applications requesting alcohol to be served must receive school board office approval and acquire all necessary permits.

Provincial permit to serve liquor at a special event

Island Health Food Service Guidelines

Insurance Requirement:

External Bookings:

All bookings made by external groups require proof of insurance.

Internal Bookings:

All school district authorized activities are covered. Authorizations for different activities may be given by teachers, school administrators or board administrators, depending on board policy. Individuals who are responsible for providing authorization should be familiar with and follow bod policy. For activities that are not part of the regular educational program, teachers should ensure they have the authorization of the principal or district administration.

note: Taken from School Protection Program Handbook.

Terms of Use:

Please note this is not a complete listing. It is advised that organizers review the full policy and procedures listed on the SD64 website.

  1. Smoking is prohibited in all school buildings and on all school grounds.
  2. Equipment rentals are available for facility bookings rentals only and must be kept on site unless given express permission by a designated school board office employee.
  3. Activities the school district cannot support include private functions such as weddings and birthday parties or situations where the facility will be subject to wear such as floor hockey.
  4. Applicants will have non-exclusive use of facility space and the school board reserves the right to re- locate or cancel bookings.
  5. The person most responsible for any user group must be 19 years of age or older.
  6. Ensure that there is no alteration of, or fastening of anything to, any building.
  7. In the event of cancellation or revocation by the board, they shall have no claim or right to damage, or expenses whatsoever arising out of said revocation or cancellation.

Appendix A

Facility Booking Priority List:

  1. School/board Activities, including community education programs endorsed by the school board;
  2. Governmental Organizations – Public Health Authority and Elections Canada/BC;
  3. Youth not-for-profit activities, with appropriate supervision;
  4. Youth for-profit activities, with appropriate adult supervision;
  5. Adult not-for-profit activities;
  6. Commercial and private use.

Appendix B

SD64 Instructional Calendar


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