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Accessibility Plan

Accessibility Feedback Tool

Table of Contents:

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Framework Guiding Our Work

Part 3: About our Committee

Part 4: Our Consultation Process

Part 5: How to Give Feedback

Part 6: Accessibility Accomplishments and Barriers

Part 7: Our Three-Year Plan

Part 8: Monitoring and Evaluation

Part 9: How to Give Us Feedback

Part 10: Appendices

Part 1: Introduction

About our School District Community

Gulf Islands School District No. 64 is located in the Salish Sea (Straight of Georgia) and is home to five island communities: Salt Spring, Galiano, Mayne, Saturna and Pender Islands. The district currently serves approximately 1500 students and provides quality programming, including our successful Indigenous program, thriving International Program, performing arts academy, ecological, nature-based, and late French Immersion programs.

There are eight schools across the district, with the main high school on Salt Spring Island, Saturna Ecological Education Centre for Gr.10-11 on Saturna and a K-12 school on Pender. There are three K-7 schools on Salt Spring Island and1 K-7 school on each of the outer islands (Galiano, Mayne and Saturna).

The district leadership team and staff are committed to providing a positive, equitable educational environment that fosters each childMap of the Gulf Islands's learning in an accessible and inclusive environment. Students are at the heart of our work; the district aspires to the values of trust, responsibility, opportunity, sustainability, collaboration, and diversity. The leadership team includes the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Associate Superintendent, and 17 Principals/Vice Principals. There are approximately 125 teachers and 30 education assistants.

School District 64 elects a Board of 7 Trustees (3 Salt Spring, 1 Galiano, 1 Mayne, 1 Saturna, 1 Pender) to establish policies and the direction of the school district. Public School Board meetings occur on the third Wednesday of each month.

A message from the Superintendent

School District 64 (Gulf Islands) is committed to providing learning and working environments that support all students and staff and provides equitable access for all. This Three-Year Accessibility Plan is an essential element of the district’s commitment to accessibility across the school district. The Plan has been developed in consultation with the Accessibility Advisory Group. The Plan identifies system needs, priorities, and action plans for the next three years.

We are grateful to the Accessibility Advisory Group for the extensive work undertaken to develop the Three-Year Accessibility Plan. The advisory group will meet regularly to monitor progress, assess goals, and make critical adjustments as necessary. We recognize that the goals found in the plan serve to remove and prevent barriers for persons with disabilities.

The work of the Accessibility Advisory Group is important not only for our students and staff but for the entire community. Through the actions in this Three-Year Accessibility Plan, we commit to continuous improvements in developing an environment that supports our School District 64 learning community.

Territorial Acknowledgement

Gulf Islands School District 64 is located on the shared, traditional and unceded territories of the Coast Salish People, specifically the Hul-qumi'num and Senćoten speaking peoples who have stewarded these lands since time immemorial. We respect and commit to a deep consideration of their history, culture, stewardship and voice. The school district is dedicated to supporting the success of Indigenous learners as well as promoting a deep awareness of Indigenous culture and history among all students and staff.



The state of having programs, services and environments that allow all individuals to participate fully in society without encountering barriers.

Accessibility Advisory Group:

An official group formed by one or more organizations in collaboration with people with disabilities to create an accessibility plan and feedback mechanism.

Accessibility Plan:

A plan developed by an Accessibility Advisory Group that identifies challenges and solutions for addressing accessibility barriers.


The state of being unable to participate fully and equally in society as a result of the interaction between an impairment and a barrier. (For more information about disability and types of disability and support, refer to Appendix A: Disabilities.)


Anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society. This includes physical/environmental, attitudinal, information, communications, policy or practice, and technological barriers.

Types of Barriers

  • Physical/Environmental Barrie: A barrier resulting from architectural design or outdoor spaces, which can include certain smells or sounds, internal lighting, configuration of class and meeting rooms, or the size and width of halls and doorways.
  • Attitudinal Barrier: A barrier that arises from the attitudes of staff, students and the school community, including discriminatory behaviours and a lack of disability awareness.
  • Communication Barrier: A barrier that arises when communicating or delivering information in-person, by telephone or online, interacting with teachers, peers, receptionists or other staff, and receiving training.
  • Information Barrier: A barrier that arises from fonts, signage, brochures, forms, manuals, websites, fax transmissions, equipment labels, and computer screens.
  • Policy or Practice Barrier: Rules, regulations and protocols that prevent a person from performing the essential requirement of their job satisfactorily or participating in society. Policy, practice, and procedures that prevent a student from accessing class work, the curriculum and fully participating in the school community.
  • Technological Barrier: Barriers that result from the use of inaccessible devices, platforms, software, programs, photocopiers, fax machines, telephones and switches, including the lack of assistive technologies.


A physical, sensory, mental, intellectual, or cognitive limitation, whether permanent, temporary orepisodic.

Part 2: Framework Guiding our Work

Gulf Islands School District 64 accessibility plan builds on the global, national, and provincial legislative frameworks and school district-specific actions to promote and support accessibility.

Global Context - United Nations

In recent years, there has been an emphasis on increasing diversity, equity and inclusion within the workplace and within the larger community. In 2006, the United Nations-led efforts to adopt the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

In 2010, Canada ratified the CRPD 10 and described the CPRD as follows: “The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is an international human rights treaty aimed at protecting the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities without discrimination and on an equal basis with others. Parties to the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are required to promote and ensure the full enjoyment of human rights of persons with disabilities, including full equality under the law.”

Canadian Context and Legislation

Canada-wide, around one in five people, had some form of disability in 2017. In 1985, disability was included in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and in 1986, Persons with Disabilities were included in the new federal Employment Equity Act. The Accessible Canada Act (ACA) came into force in 2019,with the overarching goal to realize a barrier-free Canada by 2040. This act applies to federally regulated entities. The ACA has seven focus areas, and was developed based on the following guiding principles:

  1. All persons must be treated with dignity regardless of their disabilities.
  2. All persons must have the same opportunity to make for themselves the lives that they are able and wish to have, regardless of their disabilities.
  3. All persons must have barrier-free access to full and equal participation in society, regardless of their disabilities.
  4. All persons must have meaningful options and be free to make their own choices, with support if they desire, regardless of their disabilities.
  5. Laws, policies, programs, services and structures must take into account the disabilities of persons, the different ways that persons interact with their environments and the multiple and intersecting forms of marginalization and discrimination faced by persons.
  6. PWDs must be involved in the development and design of laws, policies, programs, services and structures.
  7. The development and revision of accessibility standards and the making of regulations must be done with the objective of achieving the highest level of accessibility for PWDs.

B.C. Context and Legislation - Accessible B.C. Act

The Accessible British Columbia Act, enacted in June 2021, and initially, the accessibility planning requirements only applied to provincial government organizations.

The Accessible British Columbia Regulation, under the Accessible British Columbia Act, came into force on September 1, 2022. These regulations identify schools as prescribed organizations, and school districts and independent schools will be required to have an Accessibility Committee, an Accessibility Plan, and a tool to receive feedback on accessibility by September 1, 2023:

The goal of the act is to improve opportunities for people with disabilities and involve them in identifying, removing, and preventing barriers to their full participation in the life of the province.

Principles in the Accessible B.C. Act

The Accessible B.C. Act includes a list of principles that must be considered as organizations develop an accessibility plan. The Definitions are adapted from the foundational document BCFramework for Accessibility Legislation.

  • Adaptability: Accessibility plans should reflect that disability and accessibility are evolving concepts that change as services, technology, and attitudes change.
  • Collaboration: Promoting accessible communities is a shared responsibility and everyone has a role to play. Accessibility plans should create opportunities for organizations and communities to work together to promote access and inclusion.
  • Diversity: Every person is unique. People with disabilities are individuals with varied backgrounds. Individual characteristics, including race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and lived experience, greatly inform the experiences of individuals. Accessibility plans should acknowledge the principle of intersectionality and diversity within the disability community.
  • Inclusion: All British Columbians, including persons with disabilities, should be able to participate fully and equally in their communities.
  • Self-Determination: Accessibility plans should seek to empower people with disabilities to make their own choices and pursue the lives they wish to live.
  • Universal Design: The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design defines Universal Design as “the design and composition of an environment so that it can be accessed, understood, and used to the greatest extent possible by all people regardless of their age, size, ability or disability.”An accessibility plan should be designed to meet the needs of all people who interact with the organization.

Our Commitment to Accessibility

Gulf Islands SD64 is committed to providing an environment that is accessible and practical for all members of our diverse community. We recognize the importance of conscious planning, design, and effort in ensuring that barriers are removed and accessibility is increased.

The school district is committed to working collaboratively with the community to provide equitable treatment to people with disabilities in a way that respects their dignity. To achieve this goal, we have outlined the following commitments:

  • Engage with staff, community members and people with disabilities in the development and review of its accessibility plan,
  • Ensure that our school board policies and procedures align with the principles of accessibility,
  • Improve access to facilities, policies, programs, practices, and services for students, staff, parents/guardians, volunteers and community members,
  • Continually improve accessibility for people with disabilities in our school community.

Our Approach

At School District 64, we believe that all members of our community have the right to be treated with dignity, given an opportunity to participate, and provided with access to learning and community. Our approach is grounded in the core provincial principles of accessibility, including adaptability, collaboration, diversity, inclusion, self-determination, and universal design.

The Accessibility Advisory Group plays a pivotal role in enhancing accessibility in SD64, ensuring compliance with the 2021 legislation of the government of British Columbia.

  • Establish the Accessibility Advisory Group membership.
  • Identify our school district requirements
  • Establish the roles and responsibilities of the advisory group
  • Create terms of reference
  • Create a survey for our school community
  • Establish a mechanism for feedback
  • Develop 3-year plan

Our approach is designed to recognize the gaps and opportunities to improve accessibility in our community. By engaging in thoughtful planning, meaningful engagement, training, and direct action, we aim to deliver lasting accessibility improvements for all members of our community.

Part 3: About our Advisory Group

Purpose of the Accessibility Advisory Group

Under the Accessible B.C. Act, organizations must establish an Accessibility Advisory Group to assist with identifying and preventing barriers to individuals in or interacting with the organization. The purpose of the Accessibility Advisory Group is to work collaboratively to assess and improve community accessibility, focusing on the experiences of individuals with disabilities while encompassing the whole community. The Accessibility Advisory Group also advises district administrator on strategies to reduce barriers that prevent people from fully participating in all aspects of school community life.

Recruitment of the Accessibility Advisory Group Members

Under the Accessible B.C. Act, the selection of accessibility advisory members must, to the extent possible, align with the following goals:

  • At least half the members are persons with disabilities or individuals who support or are from organizations that support persons with disabilities;
  • At least one member is an Indigenous person, and
  • Members reflect the diversity of persons in B.C.

Applications for the Accessibility Advisory Group were solicited on May 15, 2023, to ensure a diverse representation as described above. The group was officially formed on June 19, 2023. The same process was repeated in May and June of 2024 for the next year's Accessibility Group.

Accessibility Advisory Group Membership 2024/2025

  • Johnny Aitken
  • Sarah Barrette 
  • Katja Dobie 
  • Jen Evens
  • Chris Jason 
  • Ian Mitchell
  • Megan Montgomery
  • Amanda Myers
  • Megan Rhodes 
  • Dan Sparanese
  • Angela Thomas
  • Anna Vineyard
  • Cathy Walker

Gulf Islands School District No. 64 would like to express gratitude to the advisory group for their time and commitment to accessibility and inclusion.

Part 4: Our Consultation Process

Barrier Identification Methodologies

The accessibility advisory group will use the following methods to identify barriers:

  • Survey to Staff - an accessibility and inclusion survey was distributed to staff in September 2023 for initial baseline information gathering.
  • Survey to Parents/Guardians - an accessibility and inclusion survey was distributed to parents/guardians in September 2023.
  • Survey to Students - an accessibility and inclusion survey was distributed to students in September 2023.
  • Physical Accessibility Audit - An assessment of our school's physical accessibility is pending the release of BC CAISE and Untapped Accessibility's new Accessibility Tool, anticipated in the fall of 2024.
  • District Accessibility Feedback Tool - A feedback tool is currently in draft form and will be posted to the district website and shared broadly in Fall 2023.
  • Accessibility Advisory Group - The Accessibility Advisory Group will be reviewing the input and feedback from the survey, assessment and feedback tool. The group will collaborate to suggest priority areas to target in the Accessibility Plan.

Part 5: How to Give Feedback

Feedback Mechanism Development

Gulf Islands SD64 has developed an online feedback tool that includes a series of questions about accessibility experiences that students, staff and members of the school district community can complete. The tool is posted on the main page of the district website and information announcement about the tool has been provided to students, staff and parents/guardians. Feedback can be anonymous, or people can include their names and contact information if they wish to be contacted. The link to the Feedback Mechanism is the following:

Accessibility Feedback Tool

Report an Accessibility Barrier

SD64 would like to learn more about specific barriers that people face when they are trying to:

Report an Accessibility Barrier

SD64 would like to learn more about specific barriers that people face when they are trying to:

  • Access a school program, building or school information
  • Receive a service or support

The Accessibility Feedback Tool will gather responses from the following questions to be reviewed by the Accessibility Advisory Group for their consideration. This information can be submitted anonymously, or you can provide your contact details at the bottom of this form if you wish to be contacted.

  1. Please provide the date the barrier was experienced.
  2. Please select the location the barrier was experienced.
  3. What were you or someone you know trying to access?
  4. Accessibility Barrier Details (Be as specific as possible).
  5. Do you have any recommendations for what would make it better?
  6. Attach files if you wish to provide additional information (e.g., video, voice recording, photos).
  7. Please provide your name and email or phone number if you would like to be contacted.(optional)
  8. The Feedback tool can be found on the district website or from this link:

Accessibility Feedback Tool

Part 6: Accessibility Accomplishments and Barriers

Key Discussion Themes - Accessibility Accomplishments

The guiding principles of inclusive practice inform the district’s programs, policies, practices and services to reduce, minimize and ultimately remove barriers to accessibility for people with disabilities. The goal is to create an environment that is accessible and inclusive, to ensure continuous improvements in accessibility.

Our first step to identify, remove, and prevent barriers for people with disabilities and diverse abilities is to gather baseline information from the district community members to inform the advisory group of the next steps to identify and prioritize goals (short, medium, long term) in developing the initial plan of action.

This will be through a district-wide survey administered during the month of September.

The initial meeting with the advisory group generated information on the district's accessibility accomplishments and examples of current barriers.

At this point in time, the initial findings are from the advisory group discussions. Included below are initial discussion themes on accessibility accomplishments from the advisory group. These will be expanded upon when the

surveys, physical and architectural audit, and feedback mechanism results are available.

  • New websites for the district
  • Student access to technology for learning support
  • Secure digital access to competency-based individual education plans, recommendations/supports for all applicable staff to enhance communication
  • New electric bus with wheelchair access
  • 64GO (SD64 district on-line school) online accessible options for student learning
  • Enhanced early learning services and supports

Key Discussion Themes - Accessibility Barriers

At this point in time, our initial findings are from the advisory group discussion. Included below are initial discussion themes on accessibility barriers from the advisory group. These will be expanded upon when the surveys, physical and architectural audit, and feedback mechanism results are available.

  • Geographic barriers - multiple islands with high transportation costs and accessibility barriers
  • Attitudinal - need to increase awareness and create stigma-free cultures
  • Architectural barriers regarding washrooms, parking lot access, and ageing buildings
  • Increasing universal design elements regarding supporting sensory needs. i.e. visual fire alarms
  • Providing preventative training for staff, students, and families to stay current on impacts from social media, which may result in potential attitudinal barriers for students
  • Overview of general policies/practices that may result in financial or other unforeseen barriers to access for students/families
  • An option for people to upload a video, voice recording or photo(s) will be forthcoming.

Part 7: Our Three-Year Plan


This Accessibility Plan outlines the measures that School District 64 will take to remove and prevent barriers and to promote inclusion for individuals with disabilities in our school district community. The plan is based on the Accessibility Principles of Adaptability, Collaboration, Diversity, Inclusion, Self-Determination, and Universal Design, as set out in the Accessible B.C. Act.

Accessibility Priorities

We are in the process of gathering information from staff, students, parents/guardians and from the physical and architectural audit. The advisory group will identify the top priorities for improving accessibility in the school district community and advise on potential action plans.

Part 8. Monitoring and Evaluation

The Advisory Group will meet four times throughout the 2023/2024 school year to review feedback and to make recommendations to the district for consideration. The group will monitor and evaluate the accessibility plan and adjust accordingly. The group will continue to explore a hybrid model for increased inclusivity of the group members.

Part 9. How to Give Us Feedback

In addition to the public availability of the plan, School District 64 will continue to post an annual status report on the progress of the Three-Year Accessibility Plan on the district website, once developed. Accessible formats of the plan will be made available upon request. Questions, comments or feedback regarding the Accessibility Plan may be directed to:

SD64 Accessibility Advisory Group


Appendix A: About Disability

The Disability Continuum

There is no universally accepted meaning for the word "disability." However, the Ontario Human Rights Code provides definitions of disability that form our guiding principles. Definitions of disability can be placed on a continuum. At one end, disability is explained in terms of medical conditions (medical model). At the opposite end, disability is explained in terms of the social and physical contexts in which it occurs (environmental model).

The medical model focuses on deficiencies, symptoms and treatments. The World Health Organization's(WHO) 1976 definition for disability, for example, is "any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment)of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being."Medical model definitions promote the idea that disability is a deviation from the norm.

Many people with disabilities are troubled by definitions that regard disability as abnormal, preferring instead to portray disability as commonplace, natural, and in fact, inevitable. As people age, they experience gradual declines in visual acuity, auditory sensitivity, range of motion, bodily strength and mental powers. Significant functional limitations affect almost half of people between the ages of 55 and 79, and over 70% of people over 80 (World Health Organization (WHO) report titled "Ageing and Health", 2015). Beyond middle age, disability is the norm.

The environmental model explains disability in relation to social and physical contexts. In this view, the environment, not an individual's medical condition, causes disability. For example, during an electrical blackout, a person who is completely blind can effortlessly navigate around the home, hammer nails,and, if a Braille user, read a novel. A sighted person would be unable to perform these tasks easily, if at all. In this example, the environment disables the sighted person.

The environmental model emphasizes that people with disabilities are capable individuals, and it is the barriers in the built and human environments, not their medical conditions, that create disability. Disability occurs when the world is designed only for a certain way of living, without considering the natural variation among human beings. Barriers are created by humans, and modifying how we live, thetools we use, and our understanding of the proper way to do things can eliminate or minimize designproblems that cause barriers. Systematic barriers can be eliminated by modifying policies, plans, and processes. Attitudes that cause barriers can be addressed through disability awareness, respect, and positive interactions with people with disabilities.

Types of Disability and Functional Limitations

A person's disability may make it physically or cognitively challenging to perform everyday tasks such as operating a keyboard, reading a sign, differentiating colours, distinguishing sounds, climbing stairs, grasping small items, remembering words, or doing arithmetic.

There are many kinds of disabilities, including physical, sensory, hearing, mental health, developmental and learning. Disabilities can be visible or invisible.

Visual Disabilities

Visual disabilities reduce one’s ability to see clearly. Very few people are totally blind. Some have limited vision such as tunnel vision, where a person has a loss of peripheral or side vision, or a lack of central vision, which means they cannot see straight ahead. Some can see the outline of objects while others can see the direction of light. Impaired vision can restrict a person’s ability to read signs, locate landmarks or see hazards. In some cases, it may be difficult to tell if a person has avisual disability. Others may use a guide dog or white cane.

Here are some suggestions to help you interact with people with visual disabilities:

  • Identify yourself when you approach the person and speak directly to them. 28
  • Speak normally and clearly.
  • Avoid referring to the disability or using phrases like “handicapped”.
  • Unless it is an emergency, only touch the person if you have been given permission.
  • If you offer assistance, wait until your receive permission.
  • Offer your arm (the elbow) to guide the person and walk slowly.
  • Service animals are working and have to pay attention at all times. Refrain from engaging with the animal.
  • If you’re giving directions or verbal information, be precise and clear. For example, if you’re approaching a door or an obstacle, say so. Don't just assume the individual can't see you.
  • When entering a room, show the individual to a chair, or guide them to a comfortable location.
  • Identify landmarks or other details to orient the person to the environment around them.
  • Ensure you say goodbye prior to leaving the individual.
  • Be patient. Things may take a little longer.

Hard of Hearing and Deafness

People who have hearing loss may be deaf or hard of hearing. Like other disabilities, hearing loss has a wide variety of degrees. People who are hard of hearing may require assistive devices when communicating. While some people may use sign language, notes or hearing aids when communicating, others may also use email, pagers, TTY telephone service or Bell Canada Relay Service.

Here are some suggestions to help you interact with people who are deaf or hard of hearing:

  • Always ask how you can help. Don’t shout.
  • Avoid referring to the disability or using phrases like “handicapped”.
  • Attract the person’s attention before speaking. The best way is a gentle touch on the shoulder or gently waving your hand.
  • Make sure you are in a well-lighted area where the person can see your face.
  • Look at and speak directly to the person. Address the person, not their interpreter.
  • If necessary, ask if another method of communicating would be easier, for example, a pen and paper.
  • Keep your face clearly visible when speaking.
  • Be clear and precise when giving directions and repeat or rephrase if necessary. Make sure you have been understood.
  • Service animals are working and have to pay attention at all times. Refrain from engaging with the animal.
  • Any personal (e.g., financial) matters should be discussed in a private room to avoid other people overhearing.
  • Be patient. Communication for people who are deaf is different because their first language may not be English. It may be American Sign Language (ASL).
  • If the person uses a hearing aid, try to speak in an area with few competing sounds.

Physical Disabilities

There are many types and degrees of physical disabilities and not all require a wheelchair. For example, people who have arthritis, heart or lung conditions, or amputations may also have difficulty moving, standing or sitting. It may be difficult to identify a person with a physical disability.

Here are some suggestions to help you interact with people with physical disabilities:

  • Speak normally and directly to the person rather than someone who is with them.
  • People with physical disabilities often have their own ways of doing things. Ask before you help.
  • Avoid referring to the disability or using phrases like “handicapped”.
  • Be patient and be sure you understand their needs.
  • Unless it is an emergency, refrain from touching any assistive devices, including wheelchairs.
  • Provide the person with information about accessible features of the immediate environment(automatic doors, accessible washrooms, etc.).

Appendix B: Suggested References/Resources

Global, Canadian and Local Accessibility Context and Legislation

Accessibility Planning Resources for Schools and School Boards

Appendix C: Terms of Reference


Accessibility Advisory Group

September 5, 2023


Accessibility Advisory Group


The Accessibility Advisory Group is established in accordance with the School District 64 (Gulf Islands) Board Committees - Policy/Procedure 120, as directed in the Accessible British Columbia Act 2021. The act is designed to support people with disabilities and to ensure full, meaningful participation with accessibility and inclusion in their communities.


The Accessibility Advisory Group will advise the district in identifying, preventing and eliminating barriers for students, staff and community members learning, working and living with disabilities in SD64.

Definitions in the Accessible British Columbia Act (2021):


  • An inability to participate, fully, and equally in society, as a result of the interaction of an impairment and a barrier.


  • Essentially anything that stops those with disabilities from being included.


  • Physical, sensory, intellectual, or cognitive impairment, which is permanent, temporary or episodic.


The Accessibility Advisory Group will play a pivotal role in helping the school district to implement the Accessible British Columbia Act through the guidance of AccessibleBC: B.C.’s Accessibility Plan for 2022/23 to 2024/25.

The group will gather information and expertise from members, delegations, and the public to advise the district in the following manner:

  • Provide input in the development of the district’s accessibility plan based on the principles of Inclusion, Adaptability, Diversity, Collaboration, Self-Determination, and Universal Design (BC’s Accessibility Plan).
  • Offer input into barriers to accessibility issues such as attitudinal, physical, sensory, information/communication, systemic, and technology.
  • Advise on how to remove and prevent barriers for individuals who have disabilities in the aforementioned areas.
  • Review feedback from the Accessibility Reporting Tool to help inform the plan and updates.
  • Advise on the implementation and communication of the district’s Accessibility Plan.
  • Review the district’s Accessibility Plan every three (3) years.


As much as possible, the membership of the Accessibility Advisory Group will reflect the diversity of persons faced with disabilities as outlined in the Accessible British Columbia Act and of individuals representing a broad range of under-served and equity-seeking groups including Indigenous peoples. As outlined in the Accessible British Columbia Act, at least half (50%) of the members will be persons with disabilities, individuals who support persons with disabilities, or individuals who are from organizations that support persons with disabilities.

The district will review the membership annually to ensure broad representation from the school community across the 5 islands. 

The group may include:

  • District Administration (1)
  • Indigenous Education Advisory Committee (1)
  • Support Staff (1-2)
  • Teaching Staff (1-2)
  • Administrative Staff (2)
  • Parent (1)
  • Community Member (1-2)
  • Student (1)


SD64 Accessibility Advisory Group will meet three to four times a year for half-day to full-day meetings.


The Accessibility Plan will be reviewed in consultation with the Accessibility Advisory Group at least once every three years. The Terms of Reference will be in effect from September 2023 to June 2026, at which time they will be reviewed for renewal.

Accessibility Advisory Group Notes

Key definitions in the Act:


An inability to participate fully and equally in society as a result of the interaction of an impairment and a barrier.


Essentially, anything that stops those with disabilities from being included.


When people think and act based upon false assumptions, such as not believing that a person with a disability can contribute to the workforce, or making decisions about people with disabilities without including them.


When obstacles in an environment, make access difficult, such as a washroom with an accessible stall, but no automatic door opener, hosting, and accessible events or meeting spaces.


People with disabilities are excluded when they use other ways to communicate, such as using small print or not having large print versions of materials or videos, events, or meetings that do not have close captions.


When an organization, policies, procedures, or practices result in exclusion, such as requiring a driver's license for a job that could be route organized to use another form of transportation and not providing an American Sign Language, interpreter, or close captioning.


When technology can’t be accessed by people with disabilities, such as websites, documents are databases that are not accessible for screen readers, and graphs and charts are posted without text explaining them.

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