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Code of Conduct on School Buses

Eligibility for school bus transportation is based on School District 64’s policies and procedures. School bus rules and regulations are set to maintain a safe and reliable mode of transport. All students are accountable to the school Principal and the Director of Transportation, who has the authority to ensure student conduct on school buses is appropriate. Failure to abide by this code of conduct may result in the loss of transportation privileges for students.

Safety depends heavily on student behavior, and so it's very important that students act in a responsible manner in and around the school bus. To enhance the safety of students and staff, School District 64 authorizes the use of video surveillance equipment on the school buses as per policy 3650.

It's important that we all work together to keep our students safe while travelling on the school buses. Please review the rules and expectations of bus transportation with your student.

Expectations of Bus Riders

  • Always listen to the Bus Driver, they are responsible for the safe operation of the bus.
  • Speak quietly. Excessive noise, loud singing, shouting etc. can be a distraction to the Bus Driver and the safe operation of the vehicle.
  • Remain seated at all times. Sit facing forward for the entire trip until the vehicle comes to a COMPLETE STOP and the door opens. Students who do not sit properly in their seats can be seriously injured.
  • Keep aisles clear of belongings to not pose a tripping hazard and allow for safe bus evacuation if required. Personal belongings including backpacks must be stowed under the seat or on your lap.
  • Do not use abusive language or profanity.
  • Do not throw items, smoke, vape, fight or any other such activity that may interfere in the safe operation of the vehicle or endanger the safety of others.
  • No eating or drinking. There may be a student on the bus with an allergy or this may pose a choking hazard.
  • Keep arms, legs and head inside the vehicle at all times.
  • Do not attempt to distract other vehicles on the road.
  • No live animals are allowed. Only certified guide/assistance animals are permitted.
  • Students must disembark at their registered stop unless prior approval has been provided through a custodial parent for either childcare or youth activities. Ridership on alternative routes is based on availability and disembarking will only occur at regularly scheduled school bus stops. Prior approval must be provided to the school administrative assistant and the transportation department at
  • Do not willfully damage the school bus in any way. Parents/guardians are responsible for payment of repairs.
  • Parents/guardians are responsible for their student's safety until they board the bus, prior to boarding the school bus and after disembarking the school bus, this includes while travelling to and waiting at the bus stop.

Expectations of Bus Riders and Parents/Guardians at Bus Stops

  • Be at your bus stop at least 5 minutes prior to the scheduled time. Students must be at the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive. Please do not wait in a vehicle. If the bus is departing the stop, do not attempt to stop the bus.
  • Kindergarten and Grade 1 students are to remain with parents/guardians in the morning while waiting for the school bus and MUST be met by a parent/guardian in the afternoon when dropped off at their school bus stop location. If no parent/guardian is waiting at the stop, the student will return with the Bus Driver to the bus depot at 160 Rainbow Road.
  • Conduct yourself in an appropriate manner prior to the arrival of the bus.
  • Travel to school and return home on your assigned school bus. Board and disembark at your assigned bus stop(s).
  • Be respectful to the property of others and your community neighbors.
  • Wait for the school bus in a safe place back from the road and facing oncoming traffic. When you see the bus arriving, wait for the bus to come to a complete stop with the door open before approaching the bus to enter.
  • When getting on or off the school bus, wait for the Bus Driver’s signal when crossing the road.
  • Walk away from the school bus making sure the Bus Driver can see you. Stay out of the bus danger zone (3 meters).
  • NEVER walk between two buses in school parking.
  • Enter and exit the bus in single file, using the handrail and without pushing.
  • Take your seat as quickly as possible
  • Students are not permitted to use cellular phones or headphones/electronic devices during the loading or unloading process.
  • If the bus does not arrive within 20 minutes of the scheduled time, students should return home.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Any questions? Please contact the Transportation Department at 250-537-5723 or email

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