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Strategic Direction Feedback

Boards of Education are responsible for establishing a Strategic Direction (or Strategic Plan) to identify values and priorities based on the specific needs, strengths, and challenges of the School Districts they govern and, most importantly, to improve outcomes for all students. Although by nature colonial, a Strategic Direction is the mechanism through which the Board is held accountable to its learning community, rightsholders, and the Ministry of Education and Child Care. 

Through feedback gathered from students, parents, teaching staff, school and district administrators, and individual trustees, the Board of Education for School District No. 64 (Gulf Islands) has identified four priorities for strategic focus:

  • Truths, Reparation, and Restoration
  • Integrity and Responsibility
  • Relationships and Belonging
  • An Ethic of Learning

The Board of Education welcomes your feedback as we continue to develop the Gulf Islands School District's strategic direction. Please read through each of the four priorities for strategic focus below and let us know what you think through the online FORM by June 23, 2024.

Priority for Strategic Focus:  Truths, Reparation, and Restoration

Strategic%20Direction%20Feedback-1.pngBC Curriculum Area of Learning: KNOW

KNOW is an aspiration. We recognize that our knowledge is insufficient and often a barrier to learning and to listening with open hearts, spirits, and minds. We must commit to growing/expanding/deepening our understanding and challenge what it means to KNOW.

Statement of Commitment:  We commit to learning the truths of our history in this place (colonially known as the Southern Gulf Islands, British Columbia, and Canada), and to taking action to support healing and the restoration of Indigenous knowledge systems, land, language, and culture. We walk together/alongside in humility and respect, honouring the rightsholders of this place. Collectively, we will address the impacts of colonialism that perpetuate inequity of outcomes for our Indigenous learners. We acknowledge that our understandings have been shaped by the systems we hope to change, that we need to challenge what we think we know, and be prepared and willing to stumble if we want to truly transform education. We don’t want a nod to compliance (which is why we have avoided “reconciliation”) but rather a step toward meaningful action, restoration, reparation, and healing. 


  • Examine policies and practices – create awareness/and work to decolonize systems that perpetuate inequity
  • Increase the visibility and use of language, culture, and land-based learning (restoration)
  • Acknowledge, honour, and respect rightsholders by fostering/deepening relationships with local nations
  • Examine our biases and deepen our learning with humility as we acknowledge truths and take action 
  • ….

Priority for Strategic Focus:  Integrity and Responsibility

Strategic%20Direction%20Feedback%20(3)-1.pngBC Curriculum Area of Learning: DO

DO is a sense of purpose and action. We have clear goals and strategies that support us in achieving those goals. DO is what holds us accountable

Statement of Commitment:  We act with integrity, consideration, and honesty in all we do. We are intentional with our words and actively listen to promote collaboration that benefits the learning community. We create sustainable practices and are responsible in our use of resources. We consider the impact of our actions on past, present, and future generations as we commit to being good ancestors who leave a positive legacy. To foster integrity and demonstrate ownership of responsibility, we “walk the talk.”


  • Demonstrate alignment and coherence in all we DO (across the system) 
  • Develop long-range planning that champions sustainability across all departments (finances/facilities/communications/ environment/HR/financial/tech/early years/education 
  • Promote environmental stewardship and leadership
  • Champion social justice (local/global citizenship, climate action, food security, leadership, equity under Human Rights Code)

Priority for Strategic Focus:  Relationships and Belonging


Curriculum Area of Learning: BE

BE is about identity, knowing who we are and our place in community.

Statement of Commitment: We strive for balance in our relationships with ourselves, others, and the lands and waters that sustain us. With open minds and hearts, we create safe, welcoming, and caring learning environments that are inclusive and accessible. We ensure everyone is connected, supported, and seen. We relate to each other with kindness, care, and compassion, nurturing environments where everyone belongs and contributes. We honour diversity and celebrate the exceptional in everyone. 


  • Nurture/foster safe, caring, and inclusive, accessible environments
  • Create and maintain strong community partnerships/relations
  • Cultivating/nurturing wellness/mental health and wellbeing (lifestyles, choices, practices, nutrition)

Priority for Strategic Focus:  An Ethic of Learning

Strategic%20Direction%20Feedback%20(4).pngBC Curriculum Area of Learning:  UNDERSTAND

UNDERSTAND is more than content, it’s the foundation of learning, of being open to new perspectives, and making sense of the world around us.

Statement of Commitment:  We model the deep learning that we aspire to see in the education system through thoughtful and continuous reflection. We cultivate safe spaces to explore new ideas, take risks, and challenge the status quo. We provide quality instruction and programs that meet the needs of every learner from early years to adult. We understand curiosity as critical for transformative growth, setting the stage for every student to flourish. 


  • Build capacity through targeted and relevant professional development and in-service
  • Increase student engagement and voice
  • Demonstrate a deep commitment to improving student outcomes for all learners
  • Consistently offer/provide meaningful assessment and engaging instruction
  • Nurture/foster curious, critical and creative learners so that every student is prepared and ready for world beyond PreK to 12

Strategic Direction Feedback

Please use the online FORM to answer the following questions:

  1. Which of these outcomes or actions do you see as priorities? Please tell us why.
  2. Is there anything you feel is missing?

Thank you for taking the time to read our plans for the Strategic Direction of our School District. We appreciate your feedback. 

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