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Report Cards

Student Reporting Information

Student reporting is the method through which your child's teacher communicates their progress to you. This process is continually evolving to better serve students and parents.

During the school year, you can expect to receive a minimum of five updates regarding your child's learning. These updates will include three formal written Learning Updates, similar to report cards, and two informal Learning Updates, which may come in the form of conferences, emails, or phone calls from the teacher.

The Ministry of Education and Child Care oversees the guidelines for these learning updates and ensures that student reporting meets established requirements.

Elementary Report Card Dates 2024/2025 

  • Thursday, December 12, 2024
  • Thursday, March 13, 2024
  • Thursday, June 26, 2024

K-9 Student Reporting

For students in grades K-9, the Provincial Proficiency Scale will now be used alongside descriptive feedback to provide a comprehensive view of a child's learning progress and areas for improvement. This approach emphasizes students' strengths and views learning as a continuous process.

In all grades, students will self-reflect on the Core Competencies and set goals for themselves. This gives them control over their learning and helps them keep growing throughout their lives.

Resources for Parents & Caregivers 

The Ministry of Education has developed materials to support teachers, school leaders, parents, and caregivers in the upcoming shifts to student reporting.


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