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Fernwood Elementary School participates in the Safe Arrival Program.

Reporting Absences:

  • If your child will be absent due to illness or other reasons, please notify us as soon as possible:
    • Email the teacher and the front office with the date and reason for the absence.
    • Call the office at 250-537-9332 and leave a message if no one is available to take your call.

Attendance Checks:

  • We will contact families if a student is not present when attendance is taken each day.
  • Maintaining accurate attendance records is a legal requirement mandated by the Ministry of Education and Child Care. This involves contributions from multiple levels within the school.

Shared Responsibility:

Fernwood Elementary School believes that student attendance is a shared responsibility involving students, parents/guardians, teachers, and school administrators. Regular attendance is a key contributor to student academic success. If the absence extends beyond a few days, please connect with your child’s teacher to ensure a learning support plan is developed.

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