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Year-End Message from Marie Mullen, School Principal

Dear Fernwood Families:

A remarkable year of learning and growing together has ended. As the new principal, learning about our learners, families, and staff made for a busy year. I want to thank you for your warm welcome to the Fernwood community and for your continued support throughout the year. Your role in our success cannot be overstated.

This year, our students pursued their passion for sports, arts, and friendships, all while enhancing confidence and improving academic and life skills. We worked towards a greater sense of belonging with the reinstatement of weekly Whole School Meetings, volleyball and basketball teams, track and field meets, field trips on- and off-island, guest speakers, student-initiated clubs, the Lantern festival, Feeding Futures lunch program, Yearbook Club, Band, school dances, the Fun Fair, Penelakut singers and dancers, and of course, Fernwood hosting and welcoming Penelakut Elementary School students and staff at Fernwood beach for the first time.

As a learning year, there were ups and downs as we continued the transition to a K – 7 school. Thank you for your continued patience and support as we navigated the ebb and flow of everyday life at our school and worked to create an environment that respects, challenges, and honours students ages 4 to 13. There was a change to Fernwood's values and school expectations with the introduction of the 3 C's: Care for self, Care for others, and Care for the environment. Everything we do requires the staff to work as a team and put children's learning experiences first. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the development of the 3 Cs. They began as a steep learning curve for students and staff in January, but as we all became accustomed to the new expectations, our students and staff were better equipped to work towards cultivating a positive, safe, orderly, and enriching learning environment.

When we embark on a new school year in September, there will be some changes at Fernwood School. We would like to wish teacher Amy Jones a happy retirement! We wish her joy, peace, and love in all her new adventures. We also say goodbye to Lorna Fraser, our beloved Vice Principal, as she transitions to a new role within SD64. We will miss Lorna's gentle ways in our school and the enriching experiences and teachings she brought to students and staff. We extend a big welcome to Shelly Johnson, who will join Fernwood as Co-Principal. Shelly and I have been long-time colleagues and supporters of each other, and we look forward to the opportunity to work in the same school community. Leah Ashford, the heart and soul of our Fernwood, is taking a year away from work and will be temporarily replaced by Kristen Duquette. Welcome to teachers Becky Wall, Heidi Cameron, Brian Reid, and Education Assistant Emily Hartle. We look forward to the ideas, opportunities and relationships that new people will bring to our learning community.

I would like to wish all members of our community a safe, happy and restorative summer vacation. I look forward to seeing you in September.


Marie Mullen

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