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Homestay Family Information

We believe that a homestay is the most important part of a successful Canadian cultural experience for an international student. Have you thought about hosting an international student?

What is a homestay family and what are the responsibilities that come with being a homestay parent?

A homestay family is just that – a family. They welcome a student into their home and treat the student as if they were one of their own children. The family provides much more than just room and board – they become the student’s Canadian family. The family also acts as ambassadors for Canada and Canadian culture. The host parents are expected to parent the students – care for them and supervise them with both their school work and their social life.

Every year the Gulf Islands International Program welcomes students from all over the world into our community – and each of those students needs a homestay. If you are interested in more information about being a homestay or applying to be a homestay, please visit our web page at


Sheri Wakefield, Managing Director
Gulf Islands International Program

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