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Communicating Concerns

A Guide for Parents and Caregivers

Effective communication is the cornerstone of the partnership between home and school. Schools are committed to addressing any questions or concerns you may have about your child’s learning or any other specific issue. We encourage parents and guardians to reach out to the school, starting with the classroom teacher. If the issue persists, do not hesitate to contact the principal for further assistance.

Build understanding and a positive relationship with your school:

Be involved:

  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of the partners in education.
  • Participate in the school’s PAC.
  • Attend school events and activities.
  • Offer to help.
  • Support your child’s learning at home.
  • Be informed about your child’s progress in school.


  • Take opportunities to get to know the people who work with your children.
  • Inform yourself about your child’s classes, friends, and school activities.
  • Keep the school informed about issues that affect your child.

Guidelines for parents and adult learners in cases of issues/concerns:

I have a complaint or concern about my child. Who do I contact?

STEP 1:    Start with the person(s) whose action has given rise to the issue or concern. Set up a meeting with the person(s), and feel free to bring an advocate.

STEP 2:     Meet respectfully and address the issue. Organize your thoughts. Stay focused. 

STEP 3:     Make a list of options and a plan for resolution. Give time for the plan to work.

STEP 4:     If the issue is not resolved, contact the school principal and repeat steps 1 to 3. Work towards a resolution together.

STEP 5:     If the issue is not resolved, contact the School Board Office.

STEP 6:    For some situations, parents or students can appeal a decision of a district employee to the Board of Education. The appeal must be in writing.

STEP 7:     If concerns remain, in limited circumstances, a board decision can be appealed to the provincial Superintendent of Appeals.

Board Policy and Appeals:

Board Policy 2.40, Addressing Concerns and Complaints, details a fair, effective, and transparent process for handling concerns and complaints.

Board Bylaw #3 (Section 11 Appeal Procedures) allows for an appeal when an employee's decision significantly impacts a student's education, health, or safety. If concerns persist after the appeal process, a Board decision can, in certain situations, be appealed to the provincial Superintendent of Appeals.

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