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Board of Education

Code of Conduct



At Fulford Elementary School, we are committed to developing thoughtful, lifelong learners. Our school is a partnership of students, staff, parents and community members. Together we are dedicated to nurturing the joy of learning. We foster the development of intellectual, social, emotional, artistic and physical aspects of growth. The developmental nature of learning is valued and supported through our educational practice. As a community, we are committed to providing an environment that helps us to reach our goal.

Fulford Elementary School promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law--prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and age - in respect of discriminatory publication and discrimination in accommodation, service and facility in the school environment. 

The purpose of our code of conduct is:

  • to establish and maintain a safe, caring and orderly environment for purposeful learning
  • to teach social responsibility and self management
  • to clarify and publish expectations of behaviour while at school, while going to and from school, and while attending any school function or activity at any location.

The three main principles of Fulford Elementary School are:

  • Care for Self
  • Care for Others
  • Care for the Environment


Acceptable Conduct 

Members of the Fulford community are expected to conduct themselves in a caring and respectful manner. This includes:

  • respecting self, others and the school,
  • helping to make the school a safe, caring and orderly place,
  • informing a “tellable” adult, in a timely manner of incidents of bullying, harassment or intimidation,
  • engaging in purposeful learning activities in a timely manner,
  • resolving conflicts peacefully,
  • including others,
  • supporting one another.

Unacceptable Conduct 

The following behaviours are examples of unacceptable conduct and are not an all-inclusive list. Members of the Fernwood community are expected to refrain from the following:

Behaviour that:

  • interferes with the learning of self or others,
  • interferes with an orderly environment,
  • creates unsafe conditions.

Acts of:

  • bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, intimidation, or threat,
  • violence,
  • retribution against a person who has reported incidents.

Illegal acts, such as:

  • possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances,
  • possession or use of weapons,
  • theft or damage to property.

Rising Expectations 

At Fulford Elementary School, we feel that as children become older, more mature and move through successive grades, we:

  • expect increasing personal responsibility and self-management,
  • increase consequences for unacceptable conduct.   


At Fulford Elementary School, we consider the severity and frequency of unacceptable conduct, the impact on others, as well as the age and maturity of the offender in determining the appropriate disciplinary action. Special considerations may apply to students with special needs if these students are unable to comply with the code of conduct due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature. For example:

  • responses to unacceptable conduct are consistent and fair
  • wherever possible, disciplinary action is preventative and restorative rather than merely punitive
  • as often as possible, students are encouraged to participate in the development of meaningful consequences for violations of the established code of conduct.


In accordance with Ministerial order number M89, the use of personal digital devices at school is restricted, including during hours of instruction, to promote online safety and focused learning environments. Use of personal digital devices is not permitted except in special circumstances for accessibility and accommodation needs, medical and health needs or equity to support learning outcomes.


At Fulford Elementary we strive to ensure positive and open communication with our community members. Consequently, parents will be notified when an issue arises or when behaviours escalate or increase in frequency. In serious cases, school district officials, the police and/or other agencies may be informed and involved where appropriate.

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