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K-9 Learning

64GO offers a K-9 online program with opportunities for face-to-face learning

Our K-9 program is designed to support students and their families on a student by student basis. 64GO students work towards the same curricular competencies and core competencies as students in traditional schools with the flexibility of individualized learning options. A key part of our K-9 program is the partnership between students, teachers and parents.   

time • place • path • pace

K-9 Full-time Online Program

  • Students learn at home online. 
  • With the support of a BC certified teacher, students and parents develop a Student Learning Plan (SLP) that meets the needs of the student and ensures the curricular competencies are met. 
  • Students must have a home facilitator working with them, with increasing  independence as they work through the grades. The educational program will be delivered at home by the facilitator. The home facilitator helps set up schedules, organize content, collect evidence of learning, guide learning, in collaboration with  a 64GO teacher.   
  • Learning resources are available in the 64GO Learning Hub classroom and further support is available online through our online learning platform - Brightspace. 
  • Students in grade 4 through 9 are also able to access guided online courses for the main academic areas.
  • Students enrolled with 64GO can choose to work at home, visit The Hub for support, connect with their teachers online.  

The Learning Hub 

  • A welcoming, bright learning space
  • Open Monday and Thursday
  • Options to work independently or in groups.
  • Access to technology, teachers and an education assistant.  
  • Access to district wide services and supports when required.
  • Learning resources are available to use in the 64GO Learning Hub classroom and sign out for use at home.
  • Positive social interaction and occasional special events.

If you would like to learn more about our K-9 program or register your child, please email to set up a phone call or in-person meeting. 

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