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SEPTEMBER 11, 2024 | Board Meeting Highlights

Board Meeting Highlights 

Summary of the Public Board Meeting, held September 11, 2024


  • Letter from the Métis Nation of BC | The district received a letter from the Métis Nation of BC expressing interest in joining our Indigenous Education Council (IEC). We have responded with appreciation and requested they identify a representative.
  • Letter from Minister Singh | The Minister thanked the board for leading the alignment of our codes of conduct with provincial guidelines and integrating best practices.

Chairperson’s Report 

Superintendent’s Report 

  • Operational Plan related to the Strategic Plan | The operational work plan aligns with the strategic plan by detailing responsibilities and actions required for the successful implementation of the strategic plan. 
  • 2024 Enhancing Student Learning Report | The 2024 Enhancing Student Learning Report was approved by the Board. 
  • District Staffing & Enrolment | All teaching positions have been filled; however, there remains a shortage of Educational Assistants. Student enrolment is approaching projected levels.
  • Bargaining Plan Update | The district’s bargaining plan was approved by BCPSEA.
  • Program Review Phase 1 | The district will commence its educational programs review process with Saturna Ecological Education Center (SEEC) and the Gulf Islands International Program (GIIP).
  • Framework Day | The district-wide Indigenous Education Day for staff, renamed Walking Together Day, will take place on Friday, September 20, at GISS. Angela Sterritt will be the keynote speaker. The afternoon will feature five engaging workshops on topics such as Land-Based Learning, Cultural Appropriation, Land Acknowledgement, Cultivating Safe Spaces in Indigenous Education, and UNDRIP/DRIPA. A full agenda will soon be available on all school and the district websites.

Financial Reports, Budget, and Capital Plans

  • 2023/2024 Audit Report | The external audit of the 2023/2024 financial statements revealed no issues of concern, and the district received a clean audit opinion. 
  • 2023/2024 Financial Statements | The Board approved the 2023/2024 Financial Statements. A finalized copy of the Financial statements and accompanying Analysis Report will soon be posted on the Finance page of the district website. 
  • 2025/2026 Five Year Capital Plan – Minor Submission | The Board approved the 2025/2026 Five Year Capital Plan – Minor Submission. A summary of the plan is included in the SEP 2024 Public Board Meeting Agenda Package.
  • Facilities – Summer Work Projects Update | Jesse Guy reported on the projects undertaken by Facilities during the summer; some are still in progress. The list is included in the SEP 2024 Agenda Package.
  • Phoenix School Site Update | The CRD PARC will lease the site and use it as a maintenance yard for two years. Then, it will prioritize youth programming and services.

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